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【人物专访】麦永昌 William Mark

更新时间:2021年11月19日10:16:26 点击次数:1045 打印此页 关闭


Fedrigoni佛捷歌尼纸张事业部中国区总经理麦永昌William Mark先生日前在BidWin(必得盈)主办的2021中国绿色智能包装高峰论坛上接受专访,就可持续发展、碳排放、奢侈品包装行业等相关问题发表了看法。 


How does your company reduce carbon emissions in the packaging value chain?贵司是如何减少包装价值链碳排放的?

Fedrigoni aims to be a reference for sustainability by 2030.

Sustainability for Fedrigoni does not mean being perfect; for us it is expressed in the ability to be able to make progress every day, in a measurable and transparent way.

Our strategy is divided into a series of measurable and challenging objectives that we are committed to achieving by 2030. We want to reduce CO2 emissions by 30%, completely eliminate waste in landfills, 95% of water returned to the environment and record zero cases of water pollution, reach 95% of qualified suppliers also according to ESG parameters.

Our mission is to elevate the brands and creativity of designers, printers, converters, especially in luxury packaging. Our commitment is to raise them in a sustainable way, raising the bar in our industry, honestly sharing our daily progress, fostering circularity, starting from the present. This is our way to build a better future, for our people and for our planet.

Fedrigoni 佛捷歌尼的目标是到 2030 年成为可持续发展的标杆企业。

Fedrigoni 佛捷歌尼的可持续性并不意味着自身已趋于完美;对我们来说,它体现在能够以可衡量和透明的方式,每天持续取得进步的能力。

我们的战略分为一系列可衡量且具有挑战性的目标,我们承诺到 2030 年实现这些目标。我们希望将二氧化碳排放量减少 30%,完全消除垃圾填埋场的废物,95% 的水返回环境并记录零案例 水污染,95% 的合格供应商同样符合 ESG 标准。

我们的使命是提升设计师、印刷商、加工商的品牌和创造力,尤其是在奢侈品包装方面。 我们的承诺是以可持续的方式提高他们,提高我们行业的标准,诚实地分享我们的日常进步,促进循环,从现在开始。这是我们为我们的人民和我们的星球建设更美好未来的方式。

What is your company's focus on the sustainable development of packaging in the next step?


Fedrigoni ESG plan to 2030 is promoted through a global communication campaign focused on the Making Progress that is, relevant to the business and to society as a whole saying this, we have broken down our broad goal of becoming sustainable packaging paper company into actionable solid point which our customers brand, designers and converters could understand. For example, we have new innovative papers that is 100% recyclable or made from PCW materials without affecting hugely the basic properties of a paper. We have developed papers that have completely wiped out the need for using plastic lamination that are used in shopping bags, dinner card menus, hang tags and so on. Our recently launched Materia VIVA papers series, which is basically a swatch that contains all paper in our series that is recyclable, it was an instant hit in the market as brands and consumers alike look for alternatives to plastics and becoming more environmentally friendly.

My focus in the coming months would be to build market access, distribute and promote such sustainable, environmentally friendly papers to brands, converters, and designers. By understanding, listening to them and closely working with our customers we hope to help them achieve their ESG and CSR goal.

Fedrigoni 佛捷歌尼 2030 年 ESG 计划是通过“制定流程”这一集团全球宣传活动来推动的,面向的是佛捷歌尼集团自身和整个社会。针对不同的品牌客户、设计师和加工商,我们已将自身定义为“可持续包装纸张生产企业”的目标分解为若干个可操作的要点。例如,我们拥有 100% 可回收或由 PCW 材料制成的新型纸张(不会影响纸张的基本特性);我们已经开发出完全不需要使用塑料层压材料的纸张,它们用于购物袋、餐卡菜单、吊牌等。我们最近推出的 Materia VIVA ®蒙特薇娅系列,是一个包含我们所有可回收纸张的样纸合集,随着品牌和消费者都在寻找塑料替代品并变得更加环保,它在市场上一炮而红。

在接下来的几个月里,我的重点将是建立市场准入,向品牌商、加工商和设计师分销和推广这种可持续、环保的纸张。通过理解、倾听和密切合作,我们希望帮助他们实现 ESG 和 CSR 目标。

What are your prospects for the development of the luxury packaging industry in the future?


At Present Fedrigoni business has been 1/3 packaging and 2/3 publishing business, we target to change that ratio the other way around in a few years. I have been long enough in packaging to understand that packaging is the first point of contact for the customer, your brand whatever perception it forms good or bad depends on that touch point. Luxury brands understand this utmost important touch point and does not cut corners. Fedrigoni, a market leader in the Luxury packaging papers world have been that assured name for the luxury brand. We understand those high quality, intricacies, and craftsmanship when it comes to choosing the right paper for packaging. On the market front I see China as the fastest growth and the biggest market for luxury goods in fashion, cosmetics and jewelry, there have been a small set back recently because of the pandemic, but I truly believe as China’s GDP per capita keep on going up, people desire for better things in life will grow as well. So we are optimistic about the growth opportunity and hence we are investing more in China to better serve the demand of the market.

目前 Fedrigoni 佛捷歌尼的业务是 1/3 的包装业务和 2/3 的出版业务,我们的目标是在几年内改变这一比例。我在包装领域已深耕多年,我深知包装是客户接触品牌产品的第一步。作为品牌,无论它本身的优劣,消费的首要因素都取决于接触的瞬间。奢侈品牌了解这个最重要的接触瞬间,因此绝不会在包装上偷工减料。Fedrigoni 佛捷歌尼是奢侈品包装纸领域的市场领导者,一直是奢侈品品牌的可靠伙伴。在选择合适的包装纸时,我了解这些高品质、复杂性和工艺。在市场方面,我认为中国是时尚、化妆品和珠宝等奢侈品增长最快和最大的市场,最近受疫情影响略有回落,但我坚信随着中国人均 GDP 继续增长向上,人们对生活中美好事物的渴望也会增长。因此,我们对增长机会持乐观态度,因此我们正在中国加大投资,以更好地满足市场需求。

